Please see the attached for additional guidance for developing and publishing spatial data for use in LandScope. Following are instructions for loading data directly into ArcGIS Online, publishing it and sharing it there.

  1. Click New Item
  2. Within New Item, choose Your device and navigate to the shapefile (or geodatabase) to use:
  3. The Item type should be set to Shapefile (or geodatabase) in the subsequent window and then choose to create a hosted feature layer from it.
  4. Once the feature layer has been created, go to the Visualization tab and customize how you would like the data to be displayed, according to the symbology, alias, fields to be visible, scale, etc. Save Layer to save the changes. 
  5. Return to the Overview tab to Publish it and then Share it to Everyone for use in LandScope.
  6. Once published and shared, copy the feature layer's URL and provide it to NatureServe for inclusion in LandScope by emailing